Marcia Strykowski

Inspiring Blogger Award

Happy New Year! WordPress sends out an annual update on how our blogs are doing. Here’s a sample from mine: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,500 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people. Viewers were from 77 countries in all. Most visitors came from the United States. Brazil & U.K. were not far behind. The busiest day of the year was November 2nd.   The most popular post that day was Release Day Signing.

Thank you everyone for keeping this blog hopping! And now in other news:

Thank you to Rachel Tey! I’m excited to announce she has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can read more about Rachel here.


 Keeping the Blogisphere a Beautiful Place

The original award image was a bit fuzzy, so I found the above version in a higher resolution.

The Award rules are:

  • Display the award on your blog
  • Link back to the person who nominated you
  • State 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers, link to them, and notify them about their nominations

So, here we go…7 things about me:

1. I haven’t watched TV in years, but I love movies.

2. I don’t like jello, but I enjoy chocolate desserts.

3. I’ve never had a cup of coffee, but I like green tea.

4. I eat gluten-free and love NYAJ’s carrot cake.

5. I work in a library and will never tire of books.

6. I don’t have pets, but there are lots of fish in our house.

7. I love art and will return to painting someday.

There are so many inspiring blogs out there and I had tremendous trouble keeping my list to 15 (I may have left in a few extra, while missing others just as deserving). I’m thinking of them as I type–the list goes on and on! With no further ado and in no particular order, I nominate the following bloggers:

Jama at Jama’s Alphabet Soup 

Leandra at Le&ndra Wallace 

Mirka at Mirka Muse 

Barbara at March House Books

Bobbi and friends at Teaching Authors

Mei-Mei at Jedi by Knight

Wendy at Wendy L. MacDonald

Yvonne at Yvonne Ventresca

Laurie at Laurie J. Edwards  

Claudine at Carry Us Off Books

Greg at Always in the Middle

Kenne at Becoming is Superior to Being

Cindy at Cindy Rice Designs

Sally at Wee Folk Studio

S. L. at Eagle-Eyed Editor

Dan at redstuffdan

Neil at Neil Murray   

Marcia and friends at The Write Stuff

Marianne and friends at Writers’ Rumpus

To those who choose to participate, have fun with it and congratulations!


  1. Thanks for nominating Alphabet Soup, Marcia! I’m with you on #3 :).

    I don’t usually do blog memes, but here are 3 quick things about me:

    I don’t have any pets, but do live with 300+ teddy bears.
    The Secret Garden is my favorite children’s book.
    E. E. Cummings if my favorite poet.

    Happy New Year!


    • Thanks for your favorites list, Jama. Can’t top teddy bears, The Secret Garden, and E. E. Cummings!


  2. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Dear Marcia, thank you so much for thinking of me! I feel very honoured to be included. I know some of the other bloggers but not all, so I will be checking them out.
    I’m taking a short blog break at the moment so I may not participate (as such), but I hope it will be OK to include the award on my award page with a link back to you.
    Happy New Year, see you in February. Barbara x


  4. Thanks for the nomination!


  5. Thanks for the nomination! It’s so nice to be thought of as inspiring. =) And I am way more of a tea lover than coffee. That black brew makes me shudder!


  6. Ashley

    Marcia, congratulations on your blog award! It’s a great blog. It’s always colorful and entertaining.


  7. Thank you for the nomination, dear Marcia. It was fun to learn more about you. I love books, chocolate, and painting (watercolor pencils) too.

    Blessings for 2015 ~ Wendy ❀


  8. I so much appreciate the nomination. Have a fantastic 2015 and I hope all of your writing goals are achieved!


  9. Thank you for the nomination, Marcia. I’m always happy to inspire! 😀


  10. Fun to learn some interesting facts about you! I have other pets, but I also have a lot of fish. I don’t watch much tv (usually just movies or reruns of my three favorite shows), so watching the fish is like its own show. 🙂

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


  11. Bette Norton

    Congratulations on your blog award! I always look forward to your posts! They are always informative and entertaining! Keep up your good work!


  12. Thanks for honoring our TeachingAuthors blog, Marcia. It’s great to know you find us inspiring!
    Because our blog has a topic schedule for our blog posts, we acknowledge such awards on our “blog awards” page:
    Happy New Year to you!


    • You’re welcome Carmela! Thank you, as well, for your comment and acknowledgment!


  13. Sorry I’m late to this party, and thank you so much for the nomination, Marcia! Your blog certainly deserves the award. I love art, too, and am beginning to explore watercolour. Hope you return to painting soon!


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