Marcia Strykowski

Book Display

For Valentine’s Day, I set up a Blind Date with a Bookdisplay at the library. Patrons can check out the wrapped books. Along with the barcode, a little hint is on the front, so they’ll know what they’re getting into, whether it be mystery, romance, nonfiction, etc. When they get home and open their packages, they’ll meet their book dates. Maybe they’ll have a future together or maybe their date will turn out to be a dud. Either way, they can return it to the library, and unlike some blind dates—no hard feelings!valentine book display


  1. Paulette

    WOW just what I was looking for.


  2. Louise Pryor

    I never saw your Blind Date with a Book display; I wish I’d seen it and taken out one of the “dates.” What a great idea!


    • It was a few years ago and you might have been off traveling at the time. Valentine’s Day seemed to sneak up on me this year. Maybe next year would be a good time to repeat the display. ❤


  3. Bette Norton

    I remember this post! What a wonderful idea for a book display for Valentine’s day! Very fun and creative! Your library is lucky to have you! 🙂


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