Marcia Strykowski

Release Day Signing

A huge thank you to everyone who came out yesterday during heavy downpours to get a copy of Amy’s Choice. Even all of you who didn’t make the pictures, I remember and appreciate your support. If it weren’t for readers like you, there’d be no books. 🙂

Best of luck to those who entered yesterday’s blog contest to win a Visa card or books. I’ll take entries through Nov. 9th and then draw winners that day. To enter contest, please click here.

BN launch line





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  1. Cool, it was at a B&N! My fav store. =) You look lovely in your coral jacket(gorgeous color) and I like how you personalized your table w/the lighthouse. Smart thinking!


  2. Sorry I missed it! I didn’t know it was happening until this morning. So happy for you.


    • Oh, that’s too bad, Marianne. I sent you an announcement a couple of weeks ago, but perhaps it got lost in cyberspace. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it!


      • It did indeed get lost in cyberspace! Or just in a long email list. It’s hard to stay on top of the personal email now that I’m back in an office job. Hope you had a good turnout.


  3. melinda

    Congrats on the book!! I love the pics! :


  4. What a great turnout! Amy is such a lovely book!


    • Thank you! It was a fun event with lots of compliments on the pretty cover.


  5. Huge congratulations Marcia. The book cover looks amazing and I enjoyed all the photographs.


  6. Congratulations on your book release, Marcia! The cover is beautiful and I love the sound of Maine (where I hope to visit one day). Here’s wishing you tremendous success with Amy’s Choice, too. I just added it on my Goodreads list.


  7. This looks like so much fun! Congratulations! Author events are always exciting. I love it when my local bookstores host one! Best of luck!


  8. I can see from your smiles that you had a fabulous time:) Happy for you 🙂


  9. Congratulations, Marcia, I’m so happy for you! Glad you stopped by so we could “meet”. I’m looking forward to keeping up on your news!


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